Consulting for Businesses Who Want to Offer Services in Self Determination
Service Code Identification
One of the trickiest part of accepting Self-Determination Program (SDP) funds is to know what service code to bill under. We will get to know the services you offer and provide information about how SDP services and service codes work to help you determine which codes to use.
Advertising & Service Offering
Support with how to describe your agency/business’ services so that they will be accepted by Regional Centers for SDP funding. This includes HCBS compliance and information about how SDP funds can be used.
FMS & Billing Training
Information regarding Financial Management Service (FMS) onboarding for various different FMS’s, invoicing rules, and billing practices. Plus, some tips and tricks we have learned along the way!
Meet with the Claudia Cares Team to help your Business tap into a new client base!
Maybe you have heard of Self Determination but just can’t figure out how to get started accepting these funds for your business…
Or you are afraid of how complicated you have heard the the Self Determination Program can be…
Maybe you aren’t sure where to start…
Claudia Cares Consulting, Inc. has been involved with the Self Determination Program since the beginning. We have received grants to provide training about this program from North Los Angeles County Regional Center and Westside Regional Center and have helped more than 100 families enter the program. Through our experience, we have developed an expertise in the Self Determination Program. We would love to help you offer your services to clients in SDP!
Our Services
Meet one-on-one with a member of the Claudia Cares Team to get individualized support to help your business take on Self-Determination clients.
You can have as many or as few sessions as you desire! No ongoing commitment required.
Sessions are $200 per hour.